Here are some facts that we all learnt about the animals...
- Giraffes have 3-4 stomachs
- Giraffes fight with their necks in fact some giraffes break their necks by fighting
- A giraffes kick can kill an animal by its kick such as lion/lioness
- When a lion gets fixed it will not grow a main
- Markats always have someone on guard to see if there is any danger
- ONLY the alpha male and alpha female merkats can have babies and if any other merkat has babies the mother gets kicked out and the alpha male and alpha female kill the baby
- White rhinos were named vight rhinos but an English man said white rhinos
- Rhinos use anything to shape their horns so they don't grow down
- When a cheetah is sleeping a lion/lioness will steal its food
- There is only one more black rhino in the world
- The colder the temperature is the more lizards there are, the hotter the temperature is the more male lizards there are
I liked going to Orana Park because I got to see animals I don't see in my everyday life.
I also liked learning all these new facts about all these different animals it was amazing.
Here are some facts about what climate change can do to some animals...
Here are some facts about what climate change can do to some animals...
- With the Rhino's because they always eat grass if climate change destroys the earth that means there will be no water going on the plants which means no grass so all rhino's will die out
- If deforestation continues giraffes will have no trees to eat off
- The hotter the earth gets the more male lizards there will be and soon there will only be male lizards in the world and they will all die out because they can not reproduce more lizards if there are no more females
- Gorillas love to eat plants and climb trees but if all the trees die because of no water of we break them down then they won't have much food to eat and they won't have fun in their lives
- With the Kea's people are feeding them junk food like their donut that fell on the ground and fish'n chips which can kill them but also will teach them to just fly over to some humans and they will give you some food but if no one gives them food they won't know how to feed themselves and they will die because of lack of food
I would say the 3 things I enjoyed about the trip was
Seeing the animals,
Being outside with the nice sun on my skin with the wind on my face,
And learning new facts I never knew about all these different animals and how the world is affecting their life.
Here are some photos of us at Orana Park...