
Friday, September 23, 2016

Paw News

This term we have been making movies and mine is called Paw News. It took a long time to finish it and we got to use I movie. It was really fun using I movie because we learnt everything about it.

September the 22nd we had a film festival
We all got to show our parents, Nana's and Grandad's.

It was fun when we were making our movies because we all got to act in parts.   I was a robber and I was one of the main characters.   Tyra and Sharney were the two main characters in our movie the bosses.   I am very proud of myself because my team finished our movie in time and we got to show it to everyone.   Here is a video of Paw News.   Hope you enjoy!!!!.

Please leave a comment below!!!.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Paw News

September 2016
This Term we were making a movie and we had a good experience. 2 years ago Ako Ngatahi made a movie called Onna and the spell book but this year Tyra and I are making a movie together. Our movie this year is called Paw News kinda like News hub. I am really excited for when our movie is finished.What I think was hard for me when we are making our movie is that we have to make sure that everything makes sense and that we have to make sure that it sounds right. It was also hard when Sharney was away for three days. here is a picture of me and Tyra working on our movie.Have a nice day and don't forget to smile!!!.

Friday, September 9, 2016


WALT: Write a narrative.
I was proud that I finished my space chimp before morning tea at school. It helped me that I sat alone. Next time I will sit beside people who keep me focused.
Just me and my ship

In 1961  I was getting ready to launch...(5..4..3..2..1..blast off)

I was in space all alone just me and my ship.  All asleep and then 65 years latter I woke up and I could see the shining stars.  It was such a beautiful sight for me.  I can’t believe it, I can see the galaxy shining in my eyes.  2 minutes later I saw Earth shining into my eyes.  I started to head to it, and I got closer and closer every time the ship moves it starts to make loud noises like boom, crash, crack, smash!  It sounded so terrible it gave me a headache.  I could feel the air going into my eyes, my eyes started to burn every time they opened.  It felt like I got a hole bunch of dust  thrown into my eyes.  It hurt like hell.  My cheeks blow back,it felt like they were going to come off.  I could hear my heart pounding so fast faster than a cheetah running  to get it’s prey.  I could see the  front of my  ship.  I felt boiling hot.  I felt like my face
and my hands were on fire.  I finally landed,I can see that there are no people no cars nothing but me  my ship and the photo of me and my owner called Bob.  we were All alone in this disgusting planet, I could fell a tear running down my face
It dropped on the ground and I could see it drying the dirt as it dropped on the ground.

I said to myself “This is not a beautiful sight at all.  The last thing I said was “It’s not a planet its our home.”   


Friday, September 2, 2016

SAMOA Fia fia

  This week I went to the SAMOAN Fiafia,September the 1 2016, and I hope you like what I have written about what we did at the Fiafia.  Hope you enjoy!!!.